Spinal Cord Injury

Spinal Cord Injury

A spinal cord injury (SCI) is damage to the spinal cord that causes changes in its function, either temporary or permanent. These changes translate into loss of muscle function, sensation, or autonomic function in parts of the body served by the spinal cord below the level of the lesion.

There are 2 main types of SCI, complete where there is complete motor and sensory loss below the level of the injury and incomplete where there may be a mixture of motor and sensory awareness and loss throughout the body. Frequently, now with advances in emergency care, there are more people presenting with incomplete injuries. Often, people present with muscle spasm, which can be painful and without appropriate therapy and positioning may result in joint or soft tissue shortening both in the limbs and in the trunk. Respiratory problems may also be present when the muscles of breathing are affected.

How Ilkley Physio Will Help Your Spinal Cord Injury Needs

When we meet a new client with a spinal cord injury we meet them at their home or place of their choice. We take a history of the condition and let them tell their story. We then go through a detailed physical assessment looking at how their injury has affected them and where we can help and support them to continue with their rehabilitation and live with their condition. Together we will then develop a plan for both the short and long term which will maximise their potential. This may include regular physiotherapy sessions, a programme for them to complete regularly at home, with or without support, teaching support staff how to move and handle the individual, hydrotherapy and advise on equipment that they may require as their rehab programme develops. This may include electrical muscular stimulation (E-Stim), Motomed bike +/_ Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) and standing equipment.

Here’s what Sophie had to say about her experience with Ilkley Physiotherapy:

female-silhouette“Physiotherapy is a vital part of my life. It is essential to maintain my health & maximise my abilities. Working with Jane has helped me improve & progress throughout my rehabilitation .My sessions can include passive arm & leg stretches, functional arm movements, through to assisted standing exercises. I continue to have Physio sessions weekly to stay fit & healthy. Read More >>

Get in touch if you recognise any of these symptoms and one of our team will get back to you to see how we can help.